The Problem

Mexicans are being discriminated against in the U.S by people who want to make America Great again. The people say that they are rapist criminals and horrible people. The people will discriminate against more darker mexicans in America.

People’s opinions

This is very controversial since people are saying all these awful things and they are being stereotyped against which is offensive. This causes people who are hispanic to become outraged by this.

The cause is because people don’t like other people who are different from them who are a threat. They do this because they see people who are lazy and stereotype that all people of that race are bad people.


The problems that would be caused by deporting Hispanics would cost more than we think.

Impact on the Nation
A loss in $ 400,000,000 to the government which the economy would take a nosedive if we kicked out all the hispanics since there were 6.8 million undocumented immigrants were employed.
This is more National (in the U.S) since the rest of the world is has hispanics in the Country and they don’t want to kick them out. This is a national issue since Hispanics and latinos/as should not be discriminated against just like any race should be discriminated against.
We need to convince people that Hispanic people aren’t who they seem to be and everyone needs to come together right now, all the way. Nothing is being done right now to stop this but it’s being pushed to go forward since we did vote for the person who wants to cause this is happen, so this may happen. The people who are going to fix it is me, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, and other politicians that can prevent this from happening. We can raise awareness about this by putting up posters around the world saying to let the Mexicans stay! I can also make a website to help raise money to give to me to raise awareness about the racial bias in the United States.